quinta-feira, 2 de agosto de 2007

O Rope Skipping no VIII Festival Nacional dos Jogos Escolares

Rope Skipping in the National Sport School Games in Mozambique (scroll down for english)

Realizou-se de 21 a 31 de Julho, na Cidade de Quelimane, a maior festa desportiva escolar em Moçambique envolvendo mais de 2000 atletas, competindo nas modalidades de Futebol, Basquetebol, Andebol, Voleibol ,Atletismo e Xadrez.

Como habitualmente a cerimónia de abertura foi abrilhantada pela apresentação de um complexo de actividades instruídas pelo Dr. Mussa Tembe que incluíam danças tradicionais e esquemas Ginastica Geral com cerca de 1000 crianças.

Mercê ao trabalho de massificação que vem sendo feito na modalidade de Rope Skipping (Salto Acrobático com Corda), pela primeira vez na historia dos festivais, foram incluídas competições de ginastica como actividade demonstrativa.
A demonstração realizou-se nos dias 21 e 22 de Julho na modalidade de Rope Skipping e em Jogos Tradicionais com cerca de 150 crianças de 9 escolas da cidade de Quelimane. A competição organizada pela Federação de Ginastica de Moçambique (Comissão Instaladora), liderada pelo Dr. Edmundo Ribeiro, era constituída por provas individuais (corrida estacionária , criss-cross e freestyle), provas por equipes (Esquema standard nível 1 e estafetas de corrida estacionária e criss-cross) e demonstrações de Double Dutch.

As actividades tiveram o privilégio da presença do Ministro da Educação e Cultura Aires Ali e da Juventude e Desporto David Simango, que traçaram elogios a actividade.

Rope Skipping in the National Sport School Games in Mozambique

Between the 21th and the 31th, in Quelimane was the biggest Sport School Games in Mozambique, where more then 2000 athletes, competing on football, basketball, handeball, volleyball, track and fields and Chess.

The opening ceremony had a display of Traditional Dances and General Gymnastics, with 1000 kids organised by Dr. Mussa Tembe.

Product of a promotion and spread out of Rope Skipping in Mozambique, for the first time in the history, a competition of Gymnastics was included in the Games as demonstration. The Competition was leaded by the President of the Mozambican National Gymnastics Federation. 150 kids, from 9 schools have participated in the Rope Skipping and Traditional Games competition. For Rope Skipping they did a individual Single Rope competition for speed (running, criss-cross) and freestyle, in the team competition they did speed relay (running and criss-cross) and a prescribed routine. In between there was also displays of Double Dutch.

school games

quarta-feira, 1 de agosto de 2007

domingo, 22 de julho de 2007

Visit to European Championships

Edmundo Ribeiro will be travelling end of july to Europe (The Netherlands) to attend the European Championships and an international judging course.

The development of rope skipping is going well in Mozambique. Edmundo will train future coaches and judges in the country after his trip to Europe to grow rope skipping.

terça-feira, 24 de abril de 2007


Edmundo Ribeiro is a docent a the sport university in Maputo. The national language is Portuguese overthere. Last year they organized the first competition. There are about a 1000 rope skippers and clubs are getting started in every province. Since 2004 Edmundo is involved in rope skipping and developing the sport in Mozambique with his students. Every year he joins the South African rope skipping camp to gain more knowledge and to spread out the sport. In this movie you learn more about the great job that he is doing... download the interview